姓名:葛雪祥 |
所在系所:无机非金属材料系 |
职称:讲师(博士) |
邮箱:gxxaust@163.com |
课题组主页: |
2020.8–至今 伟德国际1946源于英国
主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与国家重点研发计划项目1项、科技部基础性专项1项、安徽省教育厅项目1项。近年来在Ceramics International、Construction and Building Materials、Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids、Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan等国际知名学术刊物上发表学术论文9篇,获得授权发明专利4项。
[1] Xuexiang Ge, Mingkai Zhou, et al. Investigation on strength and failure behavior of ceramic foams prepared from silicoaluminous industrial waste under uniaxial compression[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022,317:125912.
[2] Mingkai Zhou, Xuexiang Ge. Preparation and characterization of foamed ceramics from coal bottom ash for construction insulation materials[J]. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2023,131(3):49-56.
[3] Xuexiang Ge, Mingkai Zhou, Huaide Wang, et al. Preparation and characterization of ceramic foams from chromium slag and coal bottom ash[J]. Ceramics International. 2018, 44(10): 11888-11891.
[4] Xuexiang Ge, Mingkai Zhou, Huaide Wang, et al. Effects of flux components on the properties and pore structure of ceramic foams produced from coal bottom ash[J]. Ceramics International. 2019, 45(9): 12528-12534.
[5] Mingkai Zhou, Xuexiang Ge, Huaide Wang, et al. Effect of the CaO content and decomposition of calcium-containing minerals on properties and microstructure of ceramic foams from fly ash[J]. Ceramics International. 2017, 43(12): 9451-9457.
[6] Lishun Chen, Xuexiang Ge, Yuting Long, et al. Crystallization and properties of high calcium glass-ceramics synthesized from ferromanganese slag[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2020,532:119864.
[7] Xiao Chen, Mingkai Zhou, Xuexiang Ge, et al. Study on the microstructure of metakaolin-based geopolymer enhanced by polyacrylate[J]. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2019, 127(3): 165-172.
[8] Mingkai Zhou, Peng Chen, Xiao Chen, Xuexiang Ge, et al. Study on hydration characteristics of circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash (CFBCA)[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020,251:118993.
[9] Xiao Chen, Mingkai Zhou, Weiguo Shen, Xuexiang Ge, et al. Mechanical properties and microstructure of metakaolin-based geopolymer compound-modified by polyacrylic emulsion and polypropylene fibers[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 190: 680-690.
[10] 朱泽天, 葛雪祥, 樊传刚, 等. 矿渣基轻质多孔地质聚合物的制备与孔结构研究[J]. 硅酸盐通报, 2022,41(10):3567-3577.
[11] 张卫鹏, 葛雪祥, 樊传刚等. 矿渣基地质聚合物轻质保温砂浆的制备与性能研究, 2022, 49(11).
[12] 徐子芳, 葛雪祥, 陈娟. 矿井固壁材料的保温性能研究[J].非金属矿,2014,37(06):29-32.
[1] 《一种利用工业固体废弃物制备高强度发泡陶瓷的方法》,专利号:ZL2021 1 0050589.6
[2] 《一种利用固体废弃物制备轻质保温墙体材料的方法》,专利号:ZL 2016 1 0933852.5
[3] 《一种泡沫陶瓷保温砌块的制备方法》,专利号:ZL 2016 1 0929926.8
[4] 《一种隔热耐火砖的制备方法》,专利号:ZL 2016 1 0929987.4